We just need one more vote to overrule the repeal of Net Neutrality
Please contact your Senators and Representatives urging them to vote for the CRA (Congressional Review Act)
List of Senators on board for protecting Net Neutrality can be viewed on battleforthenet.
The Senators in red are the ones who are currently not voting so convince them to vote for the CRA: https://www.battleforthenet.com/scoreboard/
Text “RESIST” to 50409 to send an email to your Senators/Representatives! Tell them to vote for the CRA and give them details to persuade them on why Net Neutrality is so important and why it should be preserved. You can also call at 202-224-3121.
Script for phone calls:
[Call Your Senators about Markey’s Net Neutrality Petition (2/26):
You: Hello, my name is [insert name here]. I am calling from [zip code].
You: I am calling to let [SENATOR] know I want them to vote in favor of Senator Markey’s resolution to repeal the FFC’s December decision to unwind Net Neutrality via the Congressional Review Act.
You: Polling Suggests 60-80% of Americans do not support the rollback of Net Neutrality, and voting in support of this bipartisan resolution will help ensure this issue isn’t singlehandedly decided by five people.
For GOP Senators: If [SENATOR] doesn’t support Markey’s resolution, we will make this an issue every single time [SENATOR] is up for reelection.
Thank you and have a good day.
Call the capital switchboard: (202) 224-321
Washington State has already passed a law to protect Net Neutrality in their area, the state of Oregon has recently done the same, and the state of California recently got their own passed the senate making that same decision, thanks to those who lived in California and urged their representatives to support “SB 822″ and vote yes on it.
I’m praying the success of the vote in California will embolden other states supporting NN (like my own) to follow suit.
According to battleforthenet only one vote is needed to ensure the FFC repeal of Net Neutrality is knocked down in the Senate, so calling the Senators who have not voted on the issue of Net Neutrality is crucial.
Additionally, battleforthenet states that 218 votes are needed to sway the House (of Representatives). As of now, 161 is the current tally, with only 57 votes needed to turn things around.
As of April 17, 2018, there are six days left before April 23, 2018.