2018. An era in which Open World is a logical form to have a game setting made. But no... 4 districts, 20 houses, and a handful of people. So... sad... really...
For Vampyr 2, please make this a HUGE open world, explorable, with a heap of a bunch of NPCs, both human, Vampire and other.
Animals, children, you know, a 'realistic setting'.
With caves you can explore, cellars, just explorable things in general, maybe a burried huge Vampire burrow or castle, accessible through a network of tunnels, which have traps of various kinds, so the vamp community is fairly safe.
Where the Generation One (or whichever generation you have in your realm, in Vampire the Masquerade it begins at Gen 3, if I am not mistaken, the 2 previous been eaten by their brood) rules this domain as an Emperor.
Hell, why not Kain/Kaine/Cain/Caine/whichever spelling you prefer (seen them all) that rules them, himself? Kain, the First, brother to Abel, which Kain killed by bashing Abel's head in with a rock, by God condemned to crave blood forever, unquenchable, everlasting thirst...
I noticed a few different species, the Skal, the Ekon, then these... failed wherebeast-vampires, which were awesome by the way, but you could maybe include other forms, like the Wrykolas, Nosferatu, or whichever you have in your version of the Vampire World.
But please... PLEASE never do something like this again. Such a limited world, so little to explore, so... tiny. NEVER do this again!!!
See... here is the issue... I LOVE the game (this is my fourth playthrough), I love the characters, their stories, the paradoxal ideas, everything. Here we have a doctor that was transformed.
Human... Vampire... Doctor...
He struggles with all of this...
He is both murderer (unless you go total pacifist) but he feels bad killing (if you play him humane) or is restricted by his code as doctor (if you chose this option).
This run, my good ol' doctor, who is all and none of the above, torn between Vampire, Human and Doctor... going insane...
But this game is over WAAAAAY too fast for the price asked...
20 hours... tops...
Just my two cents.
Comments? Do share, but please keep it nice... Wrykolas