Type: Memorize and the Sensen The commercial launch of a second generation Sensen in 2065 launched a craze far beyond the optimistic expectations of Memorize. This new Sensen, very similar to the one we have today, brought with it the huge potential provided by memoriel digitization. In countries and entire continents, the new social paradigm offered by Memorize was now implanted in the everyday lives of men and women of all ages across the world. The global memory network spread rapidly, even to regions that were initially reluctant to adopt it for cultural or religious reasons or a lack of access to technology. Several factors were suggested to account for this collective mania. First, the reconnection via the Sensen with the notion of belonging to a global village, a concept undermined during the period of protectionism and the breakdown in communications resulting from the great catastrophes of the first half of the 21st century. Also, the sense of participation in social and technological progress after the sudden collapse of the models of growth and development was a great comfort to a wretched and troubled humanity. Now, anyone with a Sensen could not only copy and share their memories, but also acquire and "live" the memory of another person. Potentially any memory could be exchanged and secondary markets sprang up to trade memories. Similar to any trend or fashion, the commercial value of a memory depended on how useful, attractive or rare it was. Users who dug deep enough could make a memory pay and again satisfy the need to be part of a global network. The social phenomenon triggered by the Sensen has often been compared to the social networks that emerged at the beginning of the 21st century, with the same "downgrading" of those who had failed to embrace the trend. The "NoSens" were divided into two distinct groups: those who refused the implant (opposers) and those who were denied access to it (climate refugees, stateless persons, illegal immigrants, etc.). |
Globalization of Sensen