Type: Memorize and the Sensen The notion of memoriel theft was inconceivable in the humanist vision of Charles Cartier-Wells. For this reason, and perhaps due to its hasty implementation, the first version of the Sensen post-2064 lacked a security system capable of withstanding any organized, malicious attacks. The exponential implementation of the Sensen in all areas of civil society (private, intimate, friendly, relational, professional, public, media, commercial) gave rise to a new type of crime. The "memory hunters", both anonymous and famous, now formed part of this late century urban landscape. We can blame Memorize for failing to anticipate this phenomenon when the Sensen was first released, but since then the company has worked overtime to remedy the situation. As it developed its range, they implemented a security system to make memory saving and memoriel transfers 100% hacker-proof, and Memorize became locked in a race against the memo criminals where technological advances would be the obvious key to success. With the Sensen 6, scheduled for release in late 2083, which was eventually delayed, Memorize is poised to triumph over the Memory Hunters and any other smart hackers. Security experts say the Sensen 6 contains the same fabulous technological inventiveness that fueled the success of the Cartier-Wells company; a clear response to attempts at memoriel intrusion. |
Sensen 6: Response to the Memo Criminals